Monday, February 1, 2016

Marketing in the news #2

Uber can bring puppies to your front door for the day

For one day Uber is making puppies available to play with for anyone that wants them delivered to their house. This is happening on February 3rd as a way to promote and encourage shelter adoptions. It costs customers thirty dollars for a visit in which an Uber driver brings puppies to your home for fifteen minutes. It is only available in New York City from 11 am to 2pm. A local pet welfare company Bideawee is providing Uber with puppies and drivers for the day and will be receiving donations for each visit. The donations will be matched by Animal Planet as the event is taking place at the same time as the Animal Planet puppy bowl. In terms of marketing this is very interesting because it is being used to market three different companies. First of all this is great advertising for Uber. Not only do customers have to go through them and they get the credit of bringing furry bundles of happiness to customer's doors, Uber also suffers no costs. The drivers are volunteers provided by Bideawee as well as the puppies. The work is done for Uber and they reap the rewards. Bideawee also gets a lot of attention for this since they are the ones providing the volunteers and puppies. They also are the company that is being donated to. This is a great way for them to raise awareness and get their name out there. It is also good marketing for Animal Planet as well as the Animal Planet Puppy Bowl. What I've taken away from this is how beneficial it can be to work with other companies. Using each other's strengths to market your products can work well and reach a wider range of people. 

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